Tips For Protecting Your Valuables At Home

Sometimes the smallest objects have the highest value for someone. It’s the small pieces of jewelry passed down through a family, the old coin collection, or designer items like watches. These are the valuables people hold most dear – and most want to protect from theft. Consider these tips for protecting your valuables in your home.

TiTan Alarms has worked with so many families to make sure their keepsakes and valuables are kept safe. Burglaries happen all the time, but during the holiday season, thieves are on the prowl more than ever. They know that you are buying valuables for gifts and that action might lead them to more.

There are several proven ways of protecting your valuables during this time of year. TiTan Alarms’ experience serving the Tulsa area has taught us these important tips:

  • They have their eye on you, especially while you are shopping: If you have your arms loaded with bags, nice jewelry on, and are loading your packages into an expensive car, then you are shining a spotlight on yourself for thieves. During the holidays, thieves will be watching you instead of the stores. 

Try to keep your valuables out of sight when you are at home and away. Burglars aren’t the bravest (or smartest) people around, so they want to hit the easiest targets. If you keep yourself low-key and hide your most valuable items, they might pass you by.

  • If you do have valuables at home, hide them in unexpected places. Searching for something that’s not in an obvious place – a jewelry box, a desk drawer, a cabinet will frustrate thieves. And that’s what you want to do!

According to Hanover Insurance’s blog, “Most thieves tend to head right to the master bedroom when they are looking for valuables. Hiding such items in a different room — someplace unexpected like a bathroom or a kitchen — reduces the chances of being found. Also, consider leaving decoys, like a mostly empty purse, in a conspicuous area.”

  • A safe is often the safest bet. Many families right now are investing in good safes. These will protect your valuables from burglars, fire, or other unexpected catastrophes. A good safe is well constructed and heavy, not just something a thief can walk out with. 

Consumer Reports stresses that heavier safes are better, especially if you can bolt them down. Thieves don’t want the hassle. 

“A 1.2 or 1.3 cubic-foot safe probably weighs about 100 pounds empty, making it a less attractive target than jewelry, cameras, small electronics, and other more portable items a burglar might spot. Many safes also come with bolt-down kits, a further deterrent to thieves in a hurry. Other safes can be concealed in a wall or anchored in a concrete floor,” the magazine said in their guide to the best safes for consumers. 

  • Finally, if it gives you more peace of mind to store valuables away from home, then a safe deposit box may be your best bet. These boxes, available at your bank, can become a permanent home for heirlooms, documents, cash, and jewelry. They have an extra layer of security restricting who can access them 

TiTans Alarms knows that feeling safe is the key to a great life. When it comes to protecting your valuables, we can put together a plan with the latest tools in home security, giving you the control and safety you are looking for. Contact us today for a free home security consultation.