When it comes to avoiding burglaries, the more eyes on your neighborhood safety the better.

We’ve all heard of the concept of neighborhood watch, but some people might be wary of the idea because it sounds like a big commitment. At TiTan Alarms, we understand what it means to look out for the people in your community. We’ve been doing it in the Tulsa area for years.

But helping your neighbors improve overall neighborhood safety and security doesn’t have to be intimidating. Here’s a good rule of thumb: You don’t have to be best friends to be a good neighbor.

Alert Neighbors Are Good Neighbors

Having a safe neighborhood benefits everyone. It makes your property more valuable, it allows your kids to play without fear and it shows that everyone is looking out for one another, even if they aren’t having big parties.

How do you contribute to neighborhood safety? That’s simple. It all has to do with attention.

First, you need to establish a baseline of what activity in your neighborhood looks like. Which cars are you used to seeing, who walks down the sidewalk, who is gone during the day or at night? When is your neighborhood typically quiet and when does it get busy.

These facts allow suspicious activity to really stick out. If you haven’t seen that car at that house at that time of day, it may be a red flag.

Phone Numbers Neighbors Need

That’s why it’s always good to have your neighbor’s phone numbers. If you see something suspicious, call your neighbor. You can be the first line of defense.

Next, if you do have a neighborhood association, a homeowner association, or a neighborhood watch, keep those numbers handy. They might know whether something is suspicious or not, even if you don’t. 

If something is clearly wrong, call the police. It is better to be safe than sorry. The police are here to assist and confront anyone who might be up to no good. Remember, you don’t have to do something unsafe to keep your neighborhood protected. Do not confront suspicious characters or attempt to enter a neighbor’s home, even if you know them. It is enough for you to tip off the authorities, and let them investigate.

TiTan Alarms is proud of its years of service giving people in the Tulsa area the tools they need to keep their homes and neighborhoods safe. Our local team will be happy to talk to you about putting together a home security plan. Give us a call today and learn why Tulsa trusts TiTan!